The Winery Dogs
The Winery Dogs is an American rock supergroup formed in Brooklyn, NY in 2012 by Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater, Adrenaline Mob, Avenged Sevenfold), Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big) and Richie Kotzen (Poison, Mr. Big). When asked about the band's main influences, Mike Portnoy commented that they are working towards a classic rock sound, influenced by Led Zeppelin, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Grand Funk Railroad, as well as newer artists such as Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Black Crowes and Lenny Kravitz.
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The Winery Dogs
The Winery Dogs is an American rock supergroup formed in Brooklyn, NY in 2012 by Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater, Adrenaline Mob, Avenged Sevenfold), Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big) and Richie Kotzen (Poison, Mr. Big). When asked about the band's main influences, Mike Portnoy commented that they are working towards a classic rock sound, influenced by Led Zeppelin, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Grand Funk Railroad, as well as newer artists such as Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Black Crowes and Lenny Kravitz.
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65 plays
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Touch Somber
Another Old unfinished 2010 or so track. First section with green tracks. First I copied the old section...then pitch shifted the copied part to right of it. Then I made a transition between the 2 for better flow. Added 3 or 4 more beat tracks including an 8-Bit track mixed in there. Then added everything to the right last night. Made a cool transition into new section...added some surprises. Made cool outro and listened all night and today. Added final tweeks and here it is. It's cool... Reach me at scarrygarcia.commore
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Stuck Here
Just something I did from scatch this week. Blending traditional Chinese instruments with a really cool feel. Trying out some new loops. I think it's a little long but tell me what you think. And as always reach me at scarrygarcia.commore
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78 plays
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Synth Tax last night I got to this old partial track bout 2011 or so. Just the green tracks at top left and 2 blue and green directly under. Marimbas, organs and string sections plus percussion. Everything else I just drug in and arranged last night...popped it with Ozone and boom. Listened to it all day today on a loop while having acupuncture and driving about. Few more tweeks at 3 am...did artwork for this and Cool Whip. Did some reviews and there ya go. It's now about 4:30am during the weekend of Mother's day and a huge Coronal Mass Ejection...the sun threw up on us again. Isn't music definitely is !!! Late Nights Fer Sure...more
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